A Ministry Visit to War-torn Ukraine
Tania, Bob, and Dennis at Salvation Church in Rivne In September, three staff members of Converge International Ministries traveled to Ukraine. Tania Martin, Director of Mobilization (who spent 11 years ministering there), went in late August to minister alongside the congregation of Salvation Church in Rivne and encourage them. Dennis McMains, Regional Director of the Europe and Mediterranean Region, and Bob Marsh, Impact Team Leader, arrived in the capitol city of Kyiv on August 31. Converge has a long history of working in Ukraine. More than 30 years ago, when the nation was experiencing its first days of independence from the Soviet Union, Converge congregations from across the USA participated in Love Lift Ukraine. The bonds formed between sister churches in those days have resulted in a strong and multiplying presence of the Body of Christ that remains to this day. Converge International Ministries’ presence began in 2009, when Tania arrived as a deployed global worker. Her ...