Mission Catalyst Team Updates

Bob serves as the Mission Catalyst Team Leader for Converge Euro-Med. Which implies that he provides leadership to a team - and what a team it is! Here are a few updates from our colleagues.

Drew & Sarah Robertson are the newest members of our team. Drew serves as Ministry Catalyst for our region's Great Sea Initiative. In that role he connects with ministry leaders in the 20 nations that surround the Mediterranean Sea. He and Sarah served for nearly a decade in Lebanon with their three children. 

Drew is currently traveling within the region - first to Lebanon to connect with ministry partners in Tyre and Sidon. From there he'll be headed to Malta, where he's been invited to a gathering of movement leaders from all across area. Please pray for the Lord's annointing upon this trip - and on Sarah as she holds down the fort while Drew is away. 

Here's a link to a video introducing Drew and one of his ministry partners to provide Arabic language resources to leaders. It's demonstrative of the work we do in the Mission Catalyst Team! 


Jim & Lynn Jarman serve as Church Planting Specialists on our team. They served in the Nordic-Baltic Initiative for 10 years, living in Sweden. Their ministry impact, however, spans the European continent, and beyond. They coach church planters around the globe and have taught in Russia, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, India, and other lands. In the past few weeks they've been invited to serve as coaches to two new couples who will be working with Converge to lead church planting efforts in Sweden.


Bill & Arlie Ankerberg have a long history of significant influence within Converge. Bill has been part of the Board of Overseers for Converge, and on the Board of Bethel College and Seminary. He's currently vice president of Converge Southwest,  As demonstrated in the video below, their hearts have long been drawn toward Estonia and the Nordic-Baltic area., even when he was pastoring the largest Converge church in California at Whittier. Bill now serves on our team as Mission Catalyst for the Nordic-Baltic Initiative. His influence in propelling the church in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Sweden is unmatched.


Jeff & Sara Lowery have been working to join our team  as Mission Catalysts for Marginalized People Groups - individuals with physical, emotional, or cognitive disabilities. People in these groups tend to be the most unreached with the gospel in every culture. Sadly, Jeff's own challenges have caused them to step back from their plans. They are dear friends and wonderful people. Please pray for them and their family as they pursue healing and leading for future ministry.

In addition to these members of the Mission Catalyst Team, Bob provides oversight to:
  • Ashraf & Nivin Ibrahim:  Providing guidance and leadership to gospel leaders in Egypt.
  • Margalit Friedman: Serving the Lord through education, church leadership, and reconciliation ministry in Israel.
  • Kyle & Matilda Tromanhauser: Leading Munich Christian Fellowship (an International Church) in Germany.
  • Tim & Lori Hawkins: Preparing for church planting ministry in Berlin, Germany.
  • Converge's Ukraine Consortium: a team of US church leaders with a heart for Ukraine.


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