Ukraine Week in DC 2024

For the third year Bob had the opportunity and blessing to attend the annual Ukraine Week in DC event. It serves as a connecting opportunity for ministry, government, business, and humanitarian leaders. Several friends from Ukraine were able to come with special diplomatic permission from their government. Even with those permits, it was a challenging journey across the borders to Poland, then flights to the USA. 

Distinguished Guests. In addition to Ukrainian leaders, this year's gathering saw a large delegation from South Korea. Bob was able to meet with Former South Korean Ambassador to Ukraine Lee; Pastor Jung-Hyun Oh, the senior pastor of the 80,000 member SaRang Community Church in Seoul; Valery Antonyuk, president of the Ukraine Baptist Union; Anatoly Kosachok, president of the Assembly of God in Ukraine; Stanislov Kosov, Secretary General of the Ukrainian Association of Churches, and other leaders from Europe, Asia, and the USA. 

Inspiring Gathering. Pavel Unguryun, former member of Ukraine's parliament, and vice-president of the Ukraine Baptist Union, led the group in a discussion. But the meeting was not about how to maintain Ukrainian independence. Nor was it a plea for money. Instead, we discussed how the Church in Ukraine could be influential in reaching the unreached people of Central Eurasia with the gospel! Ukraine is the most Evangelical nation in Europe. They send more missionaries than any other European nation. And they STILL have a heart for reaching the lost - even when their own existence is in peril! Oh, that the comfortable, internally-focused church in the United States would have such a heart for Jesus and His command to "Go and make disciples of all nations"!

Changing Mood. The spirit of this year's meeting was strikingly different from the previous gatherings. Two years ago, there was much anxiety about the war that was on the doorstep, but had not yet begun (it would begin 2 weeks after we met). Last year there was great optimism, as the Ukrainian people had withstood the Russian aggression, and there was victory in the air. This year there was a sense of weariness, discouragement, and desperation. A keen awareness of the dwindling support of the USA for Ukraine drove the entire gathering to be all the more desperate for God's intervention on behalf of the most influential nation in Europe for the cause of Christ. The times of prayer, always present in previous years, were much longer, heartfelt, and urgent.

Call to Action. The leaders of the Church in Ukraine are calling on brothers and sisters in Christ around the world to join them in such prayers. The summons has gone out to pray and fast for Ukraine. Reverend Admiral Barry Black, Chaplain of the United States Senate, shared at the Friday morning prayer breakfast that he leads more then 150 senators, congressmen, and staff members in prayer and fasting every week on Capitol Hill. He called for believers in the room, across the nation, and around the world to join them in fasting for a day or a part of a day throughout the year. 

We echo this call for fasting and prayer. Will you join us in prayer and fasting for the Church of Jesus Christ in Ukraine? Yes, pray for their continued independence, pray for their victory over Russian aggression. But more importantly, pray for the kingdom of God to be expanded through the work of the Holy Spirit in His people in Ukraine. Pray for more pastors, more church planters, more missionaries, more elders and lay leaders who will make disciples in communities throughout the nation, and in neighboring lands like Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Khazakstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and more. 

If you are willing to join us in prayer and fasting for Ukraine, and would like reminders, updates, and encouragement, please fill out the registration at this link



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