Winter 2023: USA Ministry

USA Ministry Update 

Summit for the Nations

On March 10 & 11, Bob attended a Summit for the Nations, hosted by Converge International Ministries in suburban Green Bay, Wisconsin. Summit for the Nations is a gathering of US church leaders to help introduce and update their awareness of the global work of Converge. The event was held at Journey Community Church in De Pere. Pastor Mark Schmechel is a long-time friend, and our church plant in Mayville, Wisconsin was an early supporter of pastor Mark when he and his family were church planting their 20+ years ago! It was great to be able to see how God has blessed that work, and to gather with many old friends - pastors and missions team members from churches all across the Great Lakes District of Converge. 

Bob gave an overview of the Europe and Mediterranean Region - the four initiatives (Great Sea, Nordic/Baltic/ Slavic West/ UK & Ireland) that are part of the Region, as well as our own Impact Team ministry. He was blessed to have global workers among the attendees from France and England, as well as a movement leader from Poland!



The Village Church of Kenney

Late last year a group of people from our village (Kenney, Illinois - population 370!) knocked on our door and asked if we would serve as the shepherd of their flock. The church they had been attending was closed during Covid, and was not going to be reopened. We began meeting in January, and are now meeting weekly. We began our services studying "Why Church?" Exploring the purposes and mission of the church. We exist for two reasons: to Know Jesus, and to Make Jesus Known.

We are now doing a series called "More Jesus...Less Religion." Our vision is that more "house churches" of 10-12 people will grow out of this initial group, giving more and more people in our village a place to go if they don't feel welcomed or comfortable in a "churchy church."

During the two weeks we were in North Africa, the group continued to meet, with people from the group leading. We're excited to see God do Big Things in a Small Place!


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